Thoughts for Friday

Some thoughts and updates for today:

1. Even though I’ve been training for it, I just got around to officially registering for my half marathon (yay!). Originally I was just looking for a half in NC that was around May to train for, but this one actually sounds like it’s going to be awesome. Here’s a description of the course and a picture from their website:

The New River Half-Marathon also courses primarily along the banks of the South Fork New River.  The course offers approximately 9 miles of running along the New River.  For the 4 miles that wind away from the flat and fast New River Valley, the course offers 2 primary climbs, rolling country roads, and a tour through historic Todd.

Doesn’t that sound beautiful? I think it’s going to be scenic and really nice to run along a river for a lot of the time. I love western North Carolina.

Also, I’ve been thinking more and more about continuing training after completing the half marathon to go up to marathon distance. I really want to do a marathon, but I think I’m just going to have to see how body responds to running long distances again after injuring myself during my last half marathon.


2. Speaking of fun races, I also registered for the Rugged Maniac 5k to do with Joe, Ted, and Kristen (my step-sister) in April in Greensboro, and I am SO excited about this one! Kristen, my step-mom and I did the race last year in Virginia and it was a blast. Here’s a description of the race from their website:

Rugged Maniac is a 5K (3.2 mile) obstacle course race that combines the most rugged terrain and burly obstacles to allow those with a sense of adventure to define themselves, then bask in glory at a rocking after party with live music, food and plenty of beer.

Each Rugged Maniac features at least fifteen obstacles constructed by an experienced crew of licensed contractors. These aren’t the pop-up kiddie obstacles you’ll see at other races. You’ll climb over walls up to 7’ high, crawl through mud under barbed wire, hop from stump to stump over a pit of water, slide down a 60’ water slide, navigate a web of pipes, jump over fire and face many other challenges all while running through a combination of forests, fields, motocross tracks and ski slopes.

And here are a bunch of pictures of us at last year’s race. When they say you get muddy, they are NOT lying:


3. I have these songs lined up on Grooveshark and can’t stop listening to them on repeat:

    • Best Love Song by T-Pain and Chris Brown
    • Got 2 Luv U by Sean Paul (feat. Alexis Jordan)
    • You Da One by Rihanna
    • What’s My Name by Rihanna (feat. Drake)
    • Body on Me by Nelly
    • Make Me Proud by Drake
    • Headlines by Drake
    • Take Care by Drake (feat. Rihanna)

Drake and Rihanna are both the bomb.


4. I saw this quote on Twitter earlier and had to retweet it.

“I am building a fire, and everyday I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match.” Mia Hamm

Love that.


5. How adorable are these photographer’s pictures of his two daughters??


What are you doing this weekend? Found any fun links recently to share? Who do you think would win in a fist fight – Drake or Nelly?! What about in a looking-cute fight?